© Schloss Weißenbrunn
© Schloss Weißenbrunn
© Schloss Weißenbrunn
Saturday, 17 December 2022, 5 p.m.

Gaudium magnum

Christmas concert

Ivo Haun, voice, Renaissance lute · Andreas Böhlen, recorder · Ryosuke Sakamoto, Renaissance lute and Renaissance viol

European Christmas music of the late Renaissance

Three specialists for Renaissance music telling the story of the birth of Christ with selected wonderful settings composed around 1600 in Western Europe. Well-known melodies for the Advent and Christmas time will be performed in various combinations of voice and Renaissance instruments. The three musicians will present works by the great masters of this era, such as Cipriano de Rore, Michael Praetorius, Francisco Guerrero and Johannes Eccard. Elaborate embellishments, characteristic for vocal and instrumental music of those times, will play a central role.

Ivo Haun, Preisträger des Bovicelli-Wettbewerbs 2020 der Schloss Weißenbrunn Stiftung

Concert: 28 Euro, 18 Euro (red.)
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