The Schloss Weißenbrunn Foundation was established by Wolfgang Kropp in 2019 with the goal of establishing Schloss Weißenbrunn as an inspiring place for music and the arts and to preserve the castle’s historic structure in the long term.

In this very special location, embedded in a unique landscape, the not-for-profit foundation aims to establish a sustainably managed cultural centre radiating into the region and beyond.
It is intended to establish a location where, far from the major centres, people can experience music and art at a high international level.
A location where artists may find ideal working conditions inspiring them to extraordinary achievements.
A location where young talents are supported with study programmes and courses which are developed and run by internationally renowned musicians.
A location where social and cultural issues are debated, where new ideas for the future are forged.

In all its endeavours, the Schloss Weißenbrunn Foundation attaches a high priority to ecologically responsible and sustainable action.

Wolfgang Kropp, Pia Praetorius
Foundation Executives

Schloss Weißenbrunn Stiftung

Stiftung bürgerlichen Rechts
Schlossstraße 2 · 96106 Ebern-Weißenbrunn
Telephone: 09531 944 86 60

Donations are more welcome to
Schloss Weißenbrunn Stiftung · Baden-Württembergische Bank · IBAN: DE63 6005 0101 0405 5514 60 · BIC: BIC SOLADEST600