One of the focuses of the Music Academy Schloss Weißenbrunn is on the diminution practices of the 16th and 17th centuries. Competitions and courses are offered on this topic, and currently a comprehensive library both for the theory and practice is being set up.
2020 Bovicelli Competition
A competition for singers on the diminution practices of the 16th & 17th centuries
In 2020, the Schloss Weißenbrunn Foundation organised its first competition for singers on the diminution practices of the 16th and 17th centuries. moreBecause of the pandemic, the competition was implemented in virtual form with video contributions, and continuo recordings for the competition works were provided to participants.
The library contains a wealth of materials gathered in the context of this competition, such as music, audio samples and selected competition contributions.
2020 Bovicelli Special Award
Some diminutions in the style of Bovicelli
For the works “Magi viderunt stellam” by Tomás Luis de Victoria and “Susanne un jour” by Orlando di Lasso2020 Bovicelli Course
A diminution course supplementing the 2020 Bovicelli Competition
The Schloss Weißenbrunn Foundation provided 30 scholarships for a 4-week diminution course to selected participants of the Bovicelli competition. moreThe course participants benefited from the suggestions of the six lecturers who passed on their knowledge by means of lectures and individual lessons.
The results were documented in videos. Each video is annotated by the scholarship holders describing the newly gained insights.
With many thanks for the inspiring collaboration to lecturers, Bettina Pahn, Monika Mauch, Ulrike Hofbauer, Ivo Haun, Sven Schwannberger and Josue Meléndez as well as to Catherine Motuz for moderating the meetings.