24. December
The Rödberg Trio in Concert
The following link will take you to a very special Christmas present to be found on the video platform Vimeo where we have published a concert film: the Finnish Rödberg Trio playing music by Niels Gade as well as by Robert and Clara Schumann. You can watch this film for free until 6 January. After that date there will be a charge for viewing it. ⭐
https://vimeo.com/schlossweissenbrunn/roedberg ⭐The Rödberg Trio want to donate any takings from the sale of concert film tickets on Vimeo to a children's music project the Schloss Weißenbrunn Foundation is currently developing for schools in the region around the castle. Feel free to donate as well. We gladly welcome any contribution. (If you are feeling generous, here's the acount number