Ibera Auri
Laia Blasco López, soprano · Gabriel Belkheiri García del Pozo, tenor and recorder · Lidia Rodrigo Royo, spinet · Jérémy Nastasi, Baroque guitar moreIbera Auri is awarded an additional fourth scholarship as “Young Artist-in-Residence 2023”
From Ibera Auri’s project description:
The balcony of Marizápalos
Iberian Music of the 17th century and its influence on Europe
In the 17th century, María Calderón, aka Marizápalos, was the mistress of Spanish King Philip IV. At the Queen’s request she had to watch events on Madrid’s Plaza Mayor from a balcony located at some distance from the royal balcony, and this famous balcony is named after her.
Ibera Auri would like to look across the borders from the ensemble’s “Iberian balcony”, while immersing themselves in the Iberian musical tradition of the 17th and 18th centuries. At the Spanish court of King Philip IV and Queen Isabel (a sister of French King Louis XIII) and thus also in the sphere of Marizápalos, various musical traditions influenced each other, in particular the French and Spanish traditions. While the King probably preferred Spanish cantatas, folk songs and zarzuelas, the Queen might have enjoyed the Airs de Cours from her French home country.
In its programme, Ibera Auri would like to show how the Iberian musical tradition was present in the rest of Europe during the Baroque period, right through to the 18th century, and how it was also closely interwoven with other European traditions. For our programme, we explored repertoire from various sources recorded and published in Spain, Portugal, Italy, France and England.
Concert Programme
Works by Antoine Boësset (1587-1643), Etienne Moulinié (1585-1665), Michel Lambert (1610-1696), Antonio Martin y Coll (1660-1734) and Sebastián Durón (1660-1716), as well as works by anonymous composers.