The Unknown Bachs
Jermaine Sprosse plays on a spinett (around 1768) and a fortepiano (around 1795)
Works by Wilhelm Friedemann, Johann Christoph and Wilhelm Friedrich Ernst Bach moreThe works for solo keyboard instruments by Johann Sebastian Bach’s oldest son Wilhelm Friedemann are rarely performed in concert. His younger “Bückerburg” half-brother Johann Christoph Friedrich is an even rarer guest in concert halls. Wilhelm Friedemann is supposed to have described him as the “strongest player” among the four brothers, who “presented his father’s keyboard compositions in the most skillful manner”. The works by Wilhelm Friedrich Ernst Bach, son of the “Bückeburg” Bach and the Bach grandson marking the end of the composers’ dynasty in 1845 are completely absent on concert stages. The programme “The Unknown Bachs” is intended so shed more light on the highly developed, highly nuanced music by these composers.
Fine food and drink after the concert Trout and Bach are a good combination, at least in German. Plus a little appetizer and a sweet postlude. more
After a light asparagus soup, the main course will be almond-crusted baked trout.
Fine wines and non-alcoholic options are included.